Zero Waste, Eco Friendly, Vegan, DIY Toothpaste.

So….what have I been up to? Learning so much at the moment.  I’ve been making my own natural products, like my own natural toothpaste (pictured here) without all those harsh chemicals. I’m really loving the journey of becoming self-sustainable and less dependent on big corporate companies. There is something quite wonderful about creating something byContinue reading “Zero Waste, Eco Friendly, Vegan, DIY Toothpaste.”

Rebranding CityGirLifeStyle Blog……

“This photo was taken about 6 years ago in L.A….I never thought I’d be traveling this much and pursuing my deeper purpose & calling in life as an Eco blogger 💕🌱 (I have a feeling I’ll be returning soon enough ✌️)” My first L.A. trip was my first trip traveling alone.  I was really nervousContinue reading “Rebranding CityGirLifeStyle Blog……”